If everybody cared about each girl in the corps de ballet and every one of them began travelling around doing talk shows, soon no theatre would have a corps de ballet at all.
"A Star Couple take a Contemporary Turn"
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If everybody cared about each girl in the corps de ballet and every one of them began travelling around doing talk shows, soon no theatre would have a corps de ballet at all.
"A Star Couple take a Contemporary Turn"
Туда же:
Natalia Osipova Gets Candid About Her Latest Contemporary Program and Sergei Polunin
http://pointemagazine.com/views/natalia … i-polunin/
Госпожа Осипова подтвердила наблюдение дорогой MaggiM о влиянии контэмпорэри на руки в Мюнхенской "Жизели".
"When we first started performing this program, I was dancing “Giselle” in Munich, and I actually felt much more freedom within the classical. I was using my arms, my body a little differently, bringing more detail to everything."
В копилку.Ничего нового,но хорошее вью.
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/entertainment … d=11755187
Последние недели 2 просто атака какая-то от пары. Наверное никогда столько не было вью,статей,анонсов.Греки с австралийцами и новозеландцами особенно стараются. Пиарят проект Осиповой и фильм Полунина.
Небольшие выдержки отсюда: http://www.limelightmagazine.com.au/fea … aling-film
О просмотре фильма самим Полуниным:
Chatting to Limelight on the phone, the gently spoken Polunin, now 26, says that he has only watched Dancer once – “and I was tricked into it by David LaChapelle,” he adds with a little laugh. “They wanted to find out what I’m thinking about it so they were really clever how they managed it. Actually, I did watch it once before but then it wasn’t the full version.”
О видео Лашапеля:
Asked if it captures an emotion he was feeling at the time, he says he “wasn’t really that connected with it. I didn’t really think about it. I didn’t really even listen to the song that much. I was ready to move on, you know. I wanted to become an actor, I wanted to go to acting school and I just wanted to be done with it [dance]. For me, the quicker [the better]. Let’s do it, my last dance. And I completely trusted to Jade and to David’s vision.” Millions have raved about it.
As for Polunin himself, he says: “I don’t like watching myself. I thought I could have done better. You watch it from a professional point of view. I think visually it was stunning. Dance-wise, I could do better.”
О роли Осиповой и Жизели в Ла Скала:
Osipova has been “a big part of me going on with dancing”, he says. “She keeps me in shape and keeps me dancing. Meeting Natalia [during Giselle] was the reason for me dancing. I was out of shape so I almost died then! But she kept me going because I was doing it for her.”
От меня: отсутствие формы заметно даже на видео,но технически он станцевал весьма чисто. Привила бы еще Осипова нормальное отношение к репетициям
О контемпе:
He admits that for a classical dancer, it has been hard to adjust to contemporary dance. “I feel it in my hips and back. I say to her at the beginning, ‘this is painful!’ but then you get used to it and it’s enjoyable. It took me a lot longer. A ballet I can learn in one day, two days, but contemporary I have to try and get used to the style so it’s more time. I was doing it for Natalia. Thanks to her experience in that world, I found out it’s a huge world, contemporary dance, that I didn’t know about before.”
Asked if he’s open to doing more contemporary work, he says: “I wouldn’t mind to do a combination. Before, I would say ‘no’. I was very much classical but now I’m open to anything.”
"Есть партии, без которых я не могу"
Вы здесь » PASSIONBALLET ФОРУМ ЛЮБИТЕЛЕЙ БАЛЕТА, МУЗЫКИ И ТЕАТРА » От первого лица. » Наталья Осипова и Сергей Полунин