Here's a pristine video from the 1973 film in Berlin with Sara Leland and John Clifford in the leads (Clifford and Mimi Paul danced the 1967 premiere). With Merrill Ashley, Deborah Flomine, Susan Hendl, and Suzanne Pilarre. Balanchine had choreographed an earlier version for one man and three women, but kept this version; which is still being danced today.
Коллеги, неожиданный вопрос: известны ли кому-нибудь видео- или аудиозаписи с Баланчиным, говорящим по-русски? Мною было обнаружено таких 2,5 штуки: беседа с Лепешинской в Москве, репетиция "Variations for Orchestra", где он обменивается фразами со Стравинским (ИФ слышно гораздо лучше, но "да" и "очень" от Баланчина разобрать можно) и, увы, немые кадры кинохроники о визите Большого в США (Баланчин обращается к нашим артистам очевидно без переводчика, судя по их мгновенной реакции, но звука на найденной мною записи нет).
" One of George Balanchine's last masterpieces; choreographed in 1981 when he was 77 years old and already in ill health, MOZARTIANA (Tchaikovsky's Orchestral Suite #4), was made as part of the NYC Ballet's 1981 Tchaikovsky Festival. This 1983 performance was filmed shortly after his death in April, and in my opinion is one of the greatest live performance films of his ballets. The three leads, Suzanne Farrell, Ib Andersen, and Victor Castelli, are in top form, and perfectly demonstrate the Balanchine ideal. His musicality, inventive choreography which still uses the traditional ballet vocabulary, and judicial use of children, are all hallmarks of the true Balanchine style. Nothing exaggerated, but everything in an almost divine harmony."