Ninella Kurgapkina - Solos from 'The Little Humpbacked Horse' (Cesare Pugni)
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Mr. Lopez 2681 2 дня назад hello passion. I just read your comment & decided to reply, even though its over a year after the fact! There is a reason why this contains no traditional Russian dancing - in the context of the full-length ballet, this scene takes place on the "Enchanted Isle" inhabited by the Tsar Maiden & her retinue of nereids, mermaids, nymphs & other exotic creatures. It is called the "Grand pas des nereids" meaning that it is a classical grand pas, completely devoid of any character elements & only showcasing classical technique.
The pas as performed here is abridged, & the "Grand galop" is omitted. The plot here goes as follows - the Humpbacked Horse & Ivanushka have been sent by the Khan to this "Enchanted Isle" to capture the Tsar Maiden & bring her back to the Khan. Once the Humpbacked Horse & Ivanushka have arrived, they hide & await the appearance of the Tsar Maiden, & then the pas performed here takes place. Although this performance doesn't have any of the stage transformations or special effects, one can hear all of the musical cues that accompany these moments in Cesare Pugni's score -
--0:20 mermaids are sitting atop rocks by the beach, while the corps de ballet of nereids begins to gather on the shore of the island to await the Tsar Maiden
--1:21 the moon is revealed from behind the clouds, & the Tsar Maiden (known as the "daughter of the moon") makes her entrance on a boat in the shape of a swan. All of the nereids bow to her.
--2:57 the Tsar Maiden performs her variation to Cesare Pugni's magnificent violin solo, composed for the great violinist Leopold Auer
--4:54 first part of the "Grande valse", knows as the "Waltz at the Fountain". This waltz is supposed to be followed by Pugni's spectacular gallop (interestingly, Minkus ripped this gallop off for his gallop at the end of the 1st act of "Don Quixote"). After a breif interlude, the waltz is heard again, & during the dancing the Humpbacked Horse causes fountains to spring up out of the ground to keep the Tsar Maiden from escaping. The duo succeed in capturing the Tsar Maiden, & take her to the Khan's palace! Unfortunately while en route her magic ring slips off her finger, & so the Humpbacked Horse & Ivanushka are forced to travel to the bottom of the Arctic Ocean to retrieve it. This is yet another excuse for a wonderful, non-Russian dancing Grand pas by the ocean's inhabitants (known as the "under-water scene").